Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Guide to the Perfect Engagement Photos

I remember exactly when I decided celebrating my engagement was jut as important as planning the rest of my wedding. It was when I booked my photographer and set the date for my engagement photos. Sure, my fiancee and I have plenty of pictures together, but this was sort of our 'coming out' to the world as a the future Mr. and Mrs. 

Your engagement photos will be different than anything you've ever done and something you will cherish forever (along with your soon-to-be spouse, of course!). So, being prepared is key. I found it's easier than you think. Just follow these tips:

Your Photographer Is Your Best Friend
You might have heard people say 'pretend your photographer is not there!' I think it should be the complete opposite. Get to know your photographer prior to the engagement shot. We tend to forget that they will be the ones spending most of the time with us the day of the wedding. If they know who you are, what you like and don't like, you won't have to try too hard to act like yourself. Also, trust your photographer's instinct. You may love that pose you found on Pinterest, but it many not always work for you. 
Research Places That Fit Your Personality
One of the things I spent a lot of time on was trying to find the perfect location. I looked at the beach, fancy hotels, beautiful gardens. Then I realized it wouldn't matter unless it fit both our personalities. Revisit your first date location, where he proposed, where you spend most of your time on the weekends, hobbies and so forth. Chances are, the perfect location might just be closer than you think.

Get Your Hair and Makeup Professionally Done
You invest in everything in your life, and you should treat your photos the same way. You are spending money on this session, don't you want to feel and look your best? Even if you are a style queen, leave it to the professionals to help you out. You will thank me once your photos come back. 

Coordinate Your Outfits...DON'T Match Them
If both of you love one certain color (like we did) you can find a way to incorporate that by wearing the same hues or wearing the color in different parts of the body. Also, remember to dress in the same scale. If you are wearing a cocktail dress, have your fiancee save the flip flops for the casual part of your shoot. Having two outfits for your shoot will take care of that, and give your photographer plenty of options. Also, when you start putting your outfit together, colors and textures work wonders in front of the camera!

Flirt, Use Props, Laugh, Kiss
You will be doing all of those things, so think about all of that before the day of the shoot. For the best laughs, make it real by sharing an inside joke, flirt with your fiancee like you just met, and kiss him like it's your first kiss. Think of this as a date, and you will be just fine!

People will look and stare because it's not everyday a professional photo shot happens right in front of them. But, as long as you focus on the love of your life (and the photographer), you will have the time of you life and leave with some amazing pictures and memories. 

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