Thursday, April 16, 2015

Tight Body in a Tight Space

You don't need a gym to avoid dreaded weight gain. 

Ball Reverse Crunch
1) Lie on your back, calves and hamstrings pressed against the ball and arms out.
2) Squeeze the ball with your legs, and roll your legs towards your chest, and then roll back down after a short pause. 

Workout: One set of 25 reps

High Knees
1) Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2) Without changing your posture, raise your left knee as high as you can and step forward. 
3) Repeat with your right leg.
4) Continue to alternate back and forth.

Workout: 1 minute continuously. 

Jumping Jacks
1) Start with your legs and arms spread apart.
2) Jump and move your arms up and down, and legs in and out.

Workout: 40 reps

Wall Sits
1) Stand in front of a wall (about 2 feet in front of it) and lean against it.
2) Slide down until your knees are at about 90-degree angles, and hold, keeping the abs contracted, for 20-60 seconds.
3) rest 30 seconds, repeat.

Workout: Three times

Man Makers
1) Begin the exercise in a standing position with dumbbells in your hands.
2) Squat down and place the dumbbells on the ground.
3) Jump your feet back so that you end up in a push up position with your shoulders directly over the dumbbells, and your wrists straight (this can also be done with your knees down if you are unable to support your weight).
4) Proceed into a push up with back straight and core engaged.
5) After completing the push up, you will execute a renegade row by lifting one dumbbell off of the ground and pulling it up towards your chest, while simultaneously balancing your body weight between your feet and other arm.
6) Do the other arm.
7) Finish one repetition by returning to the start position with the dumbbells by your sides.

Workout: One set of 20-30 reps

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

DIY Magnetic Organization Board

Step 1: Fold fabric around the magnetic board and hot glue each side of the fabric to the edge of the board.

Step 2: Cut magnetic tape into the appropriate sizes for each item, and attach to the back of each.

Step 3: Arrange each item on the board to fit your personal style.

Step 4: Display your board in your room, and enjoy being cute and organized.

What you will need:
  • Magnetic Board
  • Fabric of your choice. 
  • Wooden letter
  • Small picture frame
  • 2 Small Clipboards
  • Memo paper of your choice for small clipboards
  • Piece of cork board
  • Thick magnetic tape
  • Small expanding files
  • Hot glue gun
  • Scissors 


  • Iron fabric before gluing it to the board to prevent lines and creases.
  • Hot glue one side at a time, and press fabric down immediately to prevent glue from drying. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Wedding Plans: Check!

12 Months or More Before the Wedding

  • Determine Type (Formal, Semi-formal, Informal), style, and theme of wedding
  • Sit down with everyone involved in your wedding and discuss the wedding budget. This is a very important step.
  • Get or make a wedding organizer (a 3 ring binder with pockets works great). use it to store all your information, contracts, ideas, photos, etc.
  • Come up with 2 or 3 possible wedding dates and start looking for ceremony and reception venues. Once you find the one you love, book it immediately!
  • If you know you will need help, start looking for a wedding consultant in your area.
9 to 11 Months Before the Wedding
  • Start researching different vendors. Concentrate on the ones that book fast. These are photographers and videographers, entertainment, caterer, and officiant. Like reception and ceremony venues, many of these vendors can be booked up to a year in advance.
  • If you decide to do so, have your engagement pictures taken (Tip: Use the same photographer for your wedding day. This is a great opportunity to get to know them and their style.)
  • Start thinking about your guest count and draft a preliminary guest list.
  • Finalize your wedding colors, theme and style.
  • Research honeymoon spots with your fiancee.
  • Start looking for wedding dress and accessories.
  • Select your bridesmaids!
6 to 8 Months Before the Wedding
  • Purchase your wedding gown!
  • Start looking at invitations
  • Sign up for your gift registry
  • Shop for bridesmaid's dresses
  • Send out your save the dates. (Attn: This is a great opportunity to show off your engagement pictures, but keep in mind that once you mail them out, you are telling people that they are invited to the wedding and should be expecting a formal invitation to follow. Only send them out to the people you are 100% sure will be invited to the festivities.)
  • Start looking at wedding rings.
4 to 5 Months Before the Wedding
  • Book your florist and start looking at arrangements.
  • Order all your wedding stationary (I.e. Invitations, programs, and envelopes)
  • Start shopping for bridal party tuxedos 
  • Book limo/transportation
  • Select a wedding bakery and decide on a wedding cake.
  • Arrange accommodations for out of town guests
  • Decide on wedding favors
  • Tell your girls to order their bridesmaids dresses.
  • Appoint someone (If you do not have a wedding coordinator) to help you keep track of everything on your wedding day. Make sure you let them know this is a very important job.
  • Purchase wedding rings.
3 Months Before the Wedding
  • Order wedding cake
  • Meet with your officiant to discuss details of the ceremony
  • Finalize your guest list (After you've received all RSVPs)
  • Select rehearsal dinner location and finalize plans
  • Choose gifts for your attendants, parents and helpers.
  • Have all male members of the wedding party get fitted for their tuxedo
  • Mail out formal invitations
  • Start writing your wedding vows
2 Months Before the Wedding
  • Schedule hair and makeup consultation to do a trial run
  • Schedule your first wedding dress fitting
  • Meet with vendors (caterer, florists, DJ, officiant, etc.) to finalize arrangements.
  • Reserve room for wedding night.
  • Get wedding license!
1 Month Before the Wedding
  • Confirm your honeymoon reservations
  • Start working on the reception seating chart
  • Have final wedding gown fitting
  • Confirm all final payment amounts with your vendors, as well as date, time, etc.
  • Pick up marriage license!
1 Week Before the Wedding
  • Pick up wedding gown, attendants; gowns and all accessories
  • Give final guest count to reception venue/caterer
  • Make sure all the men get their final fitting for their tuxedos
  • Meet with vendors one last time
1 Day Before the Wedding
  • Attend rehearsal dinner and give attendants their gifts
  • Have a manicure and/or a pedicure
  • Put together the tip envelopes (for the vendors) and give them to the designated 'tip person' (generally the best man).
  • Reconfirm all your appointments for the day. Transportation, hair and makeup, etc. 
  • Bring all DIY decor to the wedding venue
  • Layout everything you need for the next day in a safe place (marriage license, dress, shoes, etc.)
The Big Day
  • Have your hair and makeup done
  • Give the best man the groom's ring
  • Begin dressing two hours before ceremony is scheduled to begin
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Share a moment with your parents, bridesmaids and everyone that helped you through the process.
  • Then...
Marry Your Soulmate!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Hairstyles That Fit Your Face: For Guys!

While women are all about looking good, we tend to forget that men also like to stay fresh. You don't want to look back and realize you've made a terrible hair faux pas.

Strong and Sharp
Guys that have square faces are seen as manly men. The square jaws give it a rough appearance that women love, just ask Brad Pitt. These men should be looking for a haircut that will help soften the edges of their face. Esquire magazine's top hairstyles say the best way to accomplish that is to cut your hair into layers in a way that extends your face. Texture makes all the difference. Men with square faces should avoid parting their hair in the middle with a comb. 

Styling Tips from the Pros: Strong men need strong hair products, and that's the equivalent to a shampoo that can also double as a body wash. This haircut requires very little maintenance. Try a little gel for styling if it looks a little dull once in a while.

The Bermuda Triangle
Celebrities like Justin Timberlake and Luke Bryan are not ashamed to flaunt their triangular face features around Tinseltown. Both rock a pointed chin and a wide forehead, which may not sound so attractive, but it looks good. Guys with a triangular shape face should invest in a short-to medium length cut with bangs parted forward, but a little to the side. You want to shorten your forehead, not hide it completely. 

Styling Tips from the Pros: Wash two or three times a week, and use a styling cream for volume and hold. 

Round me up!
Like women, men with round faces have a forehead, cheek bones, and jaw all with similar width. Next time you check a red carpet event, pay attention to Bradley Cooper's do. Men want to add volume below the cheekbones, and should avoid short hairstyles that tend to emphasize the upper part of the face.

Styling Tips from the Pros: The secret is to wash your hair with regular shampoo every other day. Let the natural oil drag your hair down and finish with nice wax.

Long Haul
This face shape constitutes of length vs. width, with length always winning. A style that is longer on the sides, and short on top will make the face appear less long. The goal is not to expose the hairline all the way. Another great feature for those with a long face is the fact that a nice trimmed beard or mustache will add to the look and provide a better balance. Chris Hemsworth knows how to rock both, and we are thankful!

Styling Tips from the Pros: This masculine haircut doesn't need too much to look great all the time. A daily routine of shampooing and nice pomade will go a long way. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Stress: The Silent Killer

Stress is no stranger to most of us these days. With 60 percent of human illness and disease linked to high stress, it doesn't do a lot to ease our mental load. But, the stresses in your life won't just go away (although there are steps you can take to reduce them). However, by understanding and learning to manage stress well, you can help counteract the negative side effects it has in your life. You may recognize basic bodily responses to stress, like sweaty palms, an increased heart rate, nausea, and back or neck pain. But, do you know the physical toll chronic stress can have on every part of your body?

Brain: Studies have shown that everyday stress can actually shrink parts of your brain. It's not the traumatic major life events such as a death in the family or divorce that do the worst damage. Experts say that it's the lifetime build up of smaller stresses that you need to be careful about. The area most affected is the prefrontal cortex, which helps regulate emotions, cognition, desires, and impulse controls. Of course, stress can open you up to more serious mental conditions, such as depression, addiction, and other behavioral issues.

Bone Health: One of the side effects of having increased cortisol in your system is that it will eventually decrease calcium absorption in your bones. This will inhibit your body's ability to build bone density and has been linked with osteoporosis.

Teeth: While your body's chemical response to stress won't directly affect your teeth, the presence of chronic stress in your life can lead to other serious dental problems: teeth grinding. People who claim to experience stress daily are also very likely to grind or clench their teeth in their sleep. The worst part of this problem is that many people aren't aware they're doing it.

Heart: One of the most noticeable reactions your body has to stress is increased heart rate. This is caused by the heightened presence of adrenaline coursing through your body. Along with increased blood pressure, this can spell disaster for your cardiovascular health. There are many studies that fine a correlation between stress and heart disease.

Stomach: Your digestive system is disrupted during periods of stress in order for the body to focus its energy in other areas. In fact, blood flow can be decreased by as much as four times less to your stomach, decreasing your metabolism. Your stomach also experiences decreased nutrient absorption and oxygenation. Not to mention the likelihood that those who experience high stress are more likely to overeat and ignore a healthy diet, causing damage to your arteries. It's actually another effect of cortisol, as it causes your brain to crave higher amounts of glucose. In turn, you crave eating those 'comfort foods' that are higher in fatty carbohydrates.

Stress Relieving Techniques
There are a number of widely recommended techniques to help combat the toll stress takes on your body. Deep breathing, meditation, and muscle relaxation are some of the most effective. But, most experts and doctors will tell you that exercise is the best possible activity you can do to relieve stress. Exercise is great for you, both mentally and physically. The positive benefits that come from regular exercise are too many to number.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Guide to the Perfect Engagement Photos

I remember exactly when I decided celebrating my engagement was jut as important as planning the rest of my wedding. It was when I booked my photographer and set the date for my engagement photos. Sure, my fiancee and I have plenty of pictures together, but this was sort of our 'coming out' to the world as a the future Mr. and Mrs. 

Your engagement photos will be different than anything you've ever done and something you will cherish forever (along with your soon-to-be spouse, of course!). So, being prepared is key. I found it's easier than you think. Just follow these tips:

Your Photographer Is Your Best Friend
You might have heard people say 'pretend your photographer is not there!' I think it should be the complete opposite. Get to know your photographer prior to the engagement shot. We tend to forget that they will be the ones spending most of the time with us the day of the wedding. If they know who you are, what you like and don't like, you won't have to try too hard to act like yourself. Also, trust your photographer's instinct. You may love that pose you found on Pinterest, but it many not always work for you. 
Research Places That Fit Your Personality
One of the things I spent a lot of time on was trying to find the perfect location. I looked at the beach, fancy hotels, beautiful gardens. Then I realized it wouldn't matter unless it fit both our personalities. Revisit your first date location, where he proposed, where you spend most of your time on the weekends, hobbies and so forth. Chances are, the perfect location might just be closer than you think.

Get Your Hair and Makeup Professionally Done
You invest in everything in your life, and you should treat your photos the same way. You are spending money on this session, don't you want to feel and look your best? Even if you are a style queen, leave it to the professionals to help you out. You will thank me once your photos come back. 

Coordinate Your Outfits...DON'T Match Them
If both of you love one certain color (like we did) you can find a way to incorporate that by wearing the same hues or wearing the color in different parts of the body. Also, remember to dress in the same scale. If you are wearing a cocktail dress, have your fiancee save the flip flops for the casual part of your shoot. Having two outfits for your shoot will take care of that, and give your photographer plenty of options. Also, when you start putting your outfit together, colors and textures work wonders in front of the camera!

Flirt, Use Props, Laugh, Kiss
You will be doing all of those things, so think about all of that before the day of the shoot. For the best laughs, make it real by sharing an inside joke, flirt with your fiancee like you just met, and kiss him like it's your first kiss. Think of this as a date, and you will be just fine!

People will look and stare because it's not everyday a professional photo shot happens right in front of them. But, as long as you focus on the love of your life (and the photographer), you will have the time of you life and leave with some amazing pictures and memories. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Alternative Workouts

We all know maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important, and while all of us love burning calories every day, sometimes we need that extra push to get us going. Nowadays, alternative workouts have taken the place of the usual gym routine. This makes the decision to break a sweat a lot more appealing and fun.

Antigravity Yoga: This one-of-a-kind class blends music and circus acrobatics with classic yoga moves, incorporating a sturdy silk sling suspended from the ceiling. This is a great way to de-stress while working on your fitness. Every class features inversions, so that participants can enjoy a spinal decompression that helps strengthen the core, as well as relieve aching joints and stretch tight muscles. This fun class is made for any fitness level so that even if you've never done yoga before, you will have a blast.

Zumba: Have you ever walked by a gym class that looked different than your normal aerobics, but never had the guts to try it out? It was most likely Zumba. Combining elements from aerobics routines and rocking Latin music, the Zumba technique is the most innovative way to let loose and burn some calories. The moves and actions have more elements of dance, and can get anyone to stat moving.

Paddle-boarding: As Floridians, we are consistently looking for excuses to be closer to the water. Paddle-boarding is the perfect opportunity to learn something new and still get a good workout. Balancing on the board works your core muscles, and paddling hits every muscle from your arms to your abdominals to your back. The result is you enjoying the outdoors, and having fun while working towards your abs. Something you've always wanted!

The Bar Method: There are more than 65 Bar Method studios around the country, and now you can find them right here in Florida. It integrates the fat burning format of interval training, the muscle shaping technique of isometrics, the elongating principles of dance conditioning, and the science of physical therapy to create a new workout that reshapes your body. This format, incorporating the bar, produces both high caloric burn, and firmer muscle mass. It will knock your socks and fat off!
Cross Training: Flipping tires, climbing ropes, and doing countless push ups might not sound so fun, but when you do it in a high intensity group environment with a team of professionals, it will change how you look at your workout. It is a strength and conditioning program that offers a varied exercise regimen that consists of functional movements. You will find hundreds of thousands worldwide doing some type of Cross Training. From kids to Navy Seals to amateurs and professional athletes of all kinds, they are pushing themselves to their limits to become stronger, and much better conditioned individuals.