Ball Reverse Crunch
1) Lie on your back, calves and hamstrings pressed against the ball and arms out.
2) Squeeze the ball with your legs, and roll your legs towards your chest, and then roll back down after a short pause.
Workout: One set of 25 reps
High Knees
1) Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2) Without changing your posture, raise your left knee as high as you can and step forward.
3) Repeat with your right leg.
4) Continue to alternate back and forth.
Workout: 1 minute continuously.
Jumping Jacks
1) Start with your legs and arms spread apart.
2) Jump and move your arms up and down, and legs in and out.
Workout: 40 reps
Wall Sits
1) Stand in front of a wall (about 2 feet in front of it) and lean against it.
2) Slide down until your knees are at about 90-degree angles, and hold, keeping the abs contracted, for 20-60 seconds.
3) rest 30 seconds, repeat.
Workout: Three times
Man Makers
1) Begin the exercise in a standing position with dumbbells in your hands.
2) Squat down and place the dumbbells on the ground.
3) Jump your feet back so that you end up in a push up position with your shoulders directly over the dumbbells, and your wrists straight (this can also be done with your knees down if you are unable to support your weight).
4) Proceed into a push up with back straight and core engaged.
5) After completing the push up, you will execute a renegade row by lifting one dumbbell off of the ground and pulling it up towards your chest, while simultaneously balancing your body weight between your feet and other arm.
6) Do the other arm.
7) Finish one repetition by returning to the start position with the dumbbells by your sides.
Workout: One set of 20-30 reps