Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) is three minutes that could change your life as some of the world’s most recognized celebrities and world-class athletes have revealed. If you are seeking a recovery aid, or a natural alternative to pain medication with positive results, WBC is worth a try. He was right. Cryotherapy is a great alternative to sitting in a tub filled with ice for 10 to 15 minutes, and I wasn’t soaked when I got out of the chamber.
Rusin also uses Chill Cryosauna’s Whole Body Vibration (WBV) unit, which is designed to increase circulation, muscle mass and bone density. Another world-class athlete that attends regularly is Curtis Mitchell, the current U.S. 200m title holder, and the 2013 World Championship 200m bronze medalist.
“I have a fractured tailbone and have struggled with pain for longer than I can remember. I’ve tried various pain medications and even had nerves burned in my back for relief.” At 57 years of age, she tried cryotherapy as an alternative to an eighth surgery and a new prescription. “It works for me. I’m very proud to say that I’ve been able to get off my pain medication and my skin is so much smoother,” said Shelley.
All sessions are topped with servings of Kangen Alkalized Water provided by the Chill Team to complement the healing benefits of each treatment for free. Chill Cryosauna’s Owner, Curt Read, welcomes people from all walks of life. He’s passionate about his holistic approach to serving others and is interested in opportunities to partner in community health and wellness events.
To learn more about Chill Cryosauna, or to book an appointment go to: www.ChillCryosauna.com or Facebook.com/ChillCryosauna. For information about Kangen Alkalized Water go to: www.HSCwater.net/curtr and use the access code “purplewater” to enter the site.
Go to searchmycity.com to find out even more about alternative healthcare methods like this one!
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