Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Run, Run, Run!

Running is great for your health, and it's a great way to stay active. However, it's important to know all there is before you take a single step. Here are some facts about running that will have you ready to sprint in no time!

  • Stretching before you being running warms up your muscles, increases blood flow, and helps to avoid injuries. Walking for 5 minutes helps to warm up the muscles gently, so you can stretch without straining. 

  • Warm-up music should be in the 115 to 120 beats per minutes, or bpm, range. If you're looking for music to help you stay pumped up for faster runs, try using music in the 145 to 160 bpm range.

  • 'Runner's High' is real! Using high-tech brain imaging scans, neuro-scientists took images of 10 runners' brains before and after a two-hour run. What they found is that endorphins flooded the brain during exercise, and gathered around areas of the brain responsible for feel-good moods and emotions.

  • As a runner, you need to train your diaphragm as much as you do your body. Take slow and deep breaths to strengthen your diaphragm while running. Place one hand on your abdomen and one hand on your chest. The lower hand should move with each breath, while the upper hand should remain relatively still.

  • Heatstroke does happen, especially in Florida. According to the Mayo clinic, it takes your body at least two weeks to adapt to the heat, so pace yourself at first.

  • It takes 200 muscles to take a step. During a ten-mile run, the feet make about 15,000 strokes, at a force of three-four times the body's weight.

  • Help your body sweat and cool down by staying well hydrated with water. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink fluids. Avoid midday sun and dress appropriately. 

  • One hour of jogging burns 500 calories. 

  • Heatstroke is a life-threatening emergency condition that occurs when your body temperature is greater than 104 F (40 C). 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Acrylic v. Gel Nails

Most women, at one time or another, have gotten their nails done. Good and bad experiences alike. It's important to know what options are out there for artificial nail enhancements, if that is what you choose to do. The following are the different types of nail enhancements, and the pros and cons of them. Always get all of the information about something before you make the final decision. 

Acrylic Nails - This type of artificial nail enhancement has been popular for a very long time. Women have been receiving this treatment for decades. This type of enhancement includes an acrylic hardener, as well as whatever polish you decide on at the nail salon.

  • PROS
    • Acrylic nails are very hard and sturdy, which prevents them from being broken or damaged easily.
    • If done properly, they can make your fingers look longer, and your nails look more beautiful. 
    • At most salons, you'll discover that acrylic nails cost significantly less than other nail enhancements.
    • More often than not, you can fix a broken acrylic nail at home if you know what you're doing.
    • If done by a professional, the removal process is simple and painless
  • CONS
    • Acrylics, because of the products used, create an intense chemical smell. This can often be overwhelming, and is not necessarily safe to inhale. 
    • If not done properly, the removal of acrylics can leave an imprint on your fingernail that increases your changes of a fungal infection. 
    • Depending on the nail technician, your acrylic nails may not look as natural as your real nails, or another nail enhancement. 

Gel Nails - This has only become popular in recent years, but has become a very common choice. Unlike the product used with acrylics, gel nails are painted on like nail polish, and require UV light to seal them onto your nail. With this specific type of nail enhancement, there are specific types of nail polishes that you should use, and they are available at the nail salon if they provide the treatment.

  • PROS
    • Gel nails typically look more like your real nails, which makes them feel and seem more natural.
    • Once applied, it only takes a couple of minutes - under a UV light - to make the nails harden. This is pretty fast compared to other treatments. 
    • This type of nail enhancement is often considered the eco-friendly option, because it doesn't contain any of the fumes or chemicals that traditional enhancements do.
    • They remain glossy, and are more flexible and thinner than typical acrylics.
  • CONS
    • They only last about 14 days, so you'll have to get them done more often.
    • The cost considerably more than other nail enhancements at nail salons.
    • If they break, it's more of a shatter effect and less of a chipping effect. This means that you can't exactly fix it at home, and you'll have to have a professional do it.
    • Unlike acrylics, they often need to be filed off instead of being soaked off. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Natural Cleansers

People often struggle with which cleansers to use on their face. They have oily faces, or dry faces, and they aren't sure which brands will work best with their skins.

It's time to go back to natural: natural facial cleansers that is. Here are several natural ingredients, and ways you can use them to utilize the brilliance of your face, and to keep your pores clean.

1) Honey - Honey has many fabulous uses, but a great one is a daily facial cleanser. If you're not wearing makeup, you simply need to take a small amount of honey and rub it onto your face. You can then wash it off with warm water. If you are wearing makeup, you should add some baking soda to the honey, and place them on a damp wash cloth. That way, you're creating a paste that will clean your face, and remove the makeup effectively.

  • Oily skin? Try adding lemon juice to the honey you place on your skin.
  • Dry skin? Try added milk or cream to create a sort of paste. 

2) Oil - Oil has many uses as well, ranging from cooking to health, to cleaning. You can truly utilize all of oils potential for a facial cleanser as well. This has become a recent fad mainly because washing your face with oil moisturizes your skin. For this cleanser, all you have to do is apply it to your skin in soft circles. 
  • If you have oily skin, you might want to avoid this natural facial cleanser. It might make your face even more oily.

3) Yogurt - Instead of eating this dairy product, you might try applying it to your pores. Yogurt is rich in several ingredients that help to detoxify your skin. Depending on the scent that you want for your facial cleanser, you can either add lemon or essential oils. For this cleanser, you can leave it on your face for a couple of minutes, and then wash it off.
  • Massaging the yogurt into your skin will help to remove any dirt from your pores, or makeup from your skin.

4) Grains - Everyone knows that you can use oats to create a mask for your skin, but many people don't realize what other types of grains you can use. You can take a handful of almonds, crush them up, and then combine it with a liquid to create a paste. This is the same thing you would do with oats. 
  • For Dry Skin: Yogurt, Milk, or Cream
  • For Oily Skin: Water or Lemon Juice
  • For Average Skin: Peppermint Tea, Water, Glycerin, or Honey

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Beer: Health Benefits?

We've all been told that one glass of red wine a day will help your heart. This makes sense, since wine is made from grapes. I suppose we never stopped to consider that beer is made from barley. There are several health benefits to drinking beer - in moderation! - that most people don't know about.

#1: Reducing Risk of Cancer
No, this doesn't mean that drinking beer means you'll never get cancer. However, marinating your favorite meat in beer helps to remove a lot of the carcinogens that get trapped in the pores of the meat when you fry it in a pan. 

#2: Helps Your Kidneys
Obviously if you drink a lot of beer, this point becomes sort of moot. If you do drink beer in moderation, it has been known to lead to a more healthy kidney function. This could be because of the flower some beers are made from - hops - which may slow the release of calcium from the bones. It also might have something to do with the high volume of water in beer. 

#3: If You Only Had A Heart
We all know the old saying about apples, but is it possible it could pertain to beer as well? Consumption of alcohol raises levels of good cholesterol, which in turn helps your heart to keep beating nicely inside of your chest. It also has anti-clotting effects. This is why if you get injured while intoxicated, your blood just flows out with seemingly no end. 

#4: You Can't Stop Drinking So Much Milk
Well, not really. However, beer has been shown to increase the strength of your bones. It is probably due to the high silicon content within beer. Silicon helps to stimulate bone-building, and IPA's have the highest level within the liquid. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Top 5 Ways to Follow Through on Workout Goals

Desired goals truly have to be intrinsic in order for motivational techniques to work. Is your goal really what you want? If so, why? Think about these reasons every time that you feel discouraged, lazy, or unworthy.

Forget about the naysayers and remember that if you’re willing to take the time to research and perform the right kind of work to achieve your personal fitness goals, then the results should reflect your efforts.

#1. Set goals that are specific and have a deadline.

#2. Review Goals daily. Spend the necessary time for you to review your plan of action and assess your execution. Prayer and meditation has proven to be effective for many successful people during these moments each day.

#3. Your environment matters. Workout in a setting where you can execute your plan without unnecessary distractions. If you feel you need support, choose a group, trainer, or gym that resonates with your desired outcome. Also, be aware of the habits, activities, settings, and foods you are indulging outside of your workout routine. Do they complement or detract from your progress?

#4. View following through on your goal as a normal part of your lifestyle.

#5. Track your progress in a journal. Your progression will make you feel good about your dedication, boost your confidence, and encourage you to keep going. Reward yourself at least once a week with something that you truly love.

You will notice that as you get fitter, your desired reward may change… It’s a funny thing that you have to experience to really chuckle about.

Make sure to head on over to searchmycity.com to discover even more ways to stay fit and healthy!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Chill Cryosauna

Do you think you could withstand minus 250 degrees from the neck down? The overwhelming response would be no, but would your answer change if you knew a painless procedure using cold nitrogen could eliminate aches and pains, improve skin complexion, accelerate healing, increase energy and promote sound sleep?

Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) is three minutes that could change your life as some of the world’s most recognized celebrities and world-class athletes have revealed. If you are seeking a recovery aid, or a natural alternative to pain medication with positive results, WBC is worth a try. He was right. Cryotherapy is a great alternative to sitting in a tub filled with ice for 10 to 15 minutes, and I wasn’t soaked when I got out of the chamber.

Rusin also uses Chill Cryosauna’s Whole Body Vibration (WBV) unit, which is designed to increase circulation, muscle mass and bone density. Another world-class athlete that attends regularly is Curtis Mitchell, the current U.S. 200m title holder, and the 2013 World Championship 200m bronze medalist.

“I’ve noticed that I recover quicker between training sessions and my sleep is very deep,” said the 19 second 200m sprinter and 2016 Olympic hopeful. The pain from fractured bones can also be alleviated according to Peggy Shelley, the Tampa Bay resident that drives all the way to Orlando for treatment.

“I have a fractured tailbone and have struggled with pain for longer than I can remember. I’ve tried various pain medications and even had nerves burned in my back for relief.” At 57 years of age, she tried cryotherapy as an alternative to an eighth surgery and a new prescription. “It works for me. I’m very proud to say that I’ve been able to get off my pain medication and my skin is so much smoother,” said Shelley.

All sessions are topped with servings of Kangen Alkalized Water provided by the Chill Team to complement the healing benefits of each treatment for free. Chill Cryosauna’s Owner, Curt Read, welcomes people from all walks of life. He’s passionate about his holistic approach to serving others and is interested in opportunities to partner in community health and wellness events.

To learn more about Chill Cryosauna, or to book an appointment go to: www.ChillCryosauna.com or Facebook.com/ChillCryosauna. For information about Kangen Alkalized Water go to: www.HSCwater.net/curtr and use the access code “purplewater” to enter the site.

Go to searchmycity.com to find out even more about alternative healthcare methods like this one!